Design AI: Top 5 Tools for Digital Marketing Agencies

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Design for AI is a rapidly growing field in digital marketing. As more businesses embrace the power of artificial intelligence, digital marketing agencies must stay ahead of the curve. To help you navigate this exciting new landscape, we have compiled a list of the top 5 design AI tools for digital marketing agencies. 

These tools will streamline your design process and enhance the overall effectiveness of your AI-powered marketing campaigns. So, let’s dive in and explore these game-changing tools!

Top 5 Design AI Tools

Adobe Firefly

© Adobe Youtube Page

Adobe’s new tool, Firefly, uses generative AI to simplify the creative process with AI-driven features like image generation and text effects. Firefly might soon integrate in beta with Adobe’s apps, including Photoshop, Illustrator, and Premiere Pro. Adobe envisions leveraging Firefly’s video, audio, animation, and motion graphics potential within its design apps.

Short-form videos are in high demand in the modern era, but creating high-quality content and coordinating dispersed creative teams is challenging. Adobe collaborates with Firefly to expedite the creative process and reduce post-production timelines from days to minutes. Integrating generative AI into workflows enables creators to make instant adjustments to video attributes, such as changing the time of day, adding automatic annotations, and generating endless clip variations.

Features and benefits of Adobe Firefly:

  • Text-to-Color Enhancements: Allowing users to instantly change video color schemes and moods with simple prompts.
  • Advanced Music and Sound Effects: Enabling the generation of custom royalty-free sounds and music for videos.
  • Stunning Fonts, Text Effects, Graphics, and Logos: Simplifying the creation of subtitles, logos, and custom animations with just a few words.
  • Script and B-Roll Capabilities: Streamlining pre-production, production, and post-production processes through AI analysis of scripts, text, and the automatic creation of storyboards and recommendations for b-roll clips.
  • Creative Assistants: Providing personalized generative AI-powered “how-tos” to help users acquire new skills and expedite processes from initial ideation to editing.

AI Image Upscaler

© Philip Anders Youtube Page

High-quality visuals are essential in digital marketing. AI Image Upscaler uses artificial intelligence to enhance image resolution and quality, perfect for websites, social media, and advertisements.

Key features and advantages of AI Image Upscaler:

  • Enhanced Image Quality: Transform low-resolution images into high-quality visuals.
  • Time Efficiency: Quickly optimize images, saving time in the design process.
  • Improved Engagement: High-quality images enhance user engagement and conversions.


© Google for Developers Youtube Page

AutoDraw is an AI-powered drawing tool that simplifies the creation of visuals. It’s an invaluable asset for digital marketing agencies aiming to streamline their design process.

AutoDraw simplifies graphic creation. Its AI capabilities assist in generating visually appealing graphics, which are crucial for marketing materials.

Notable features and benefits of AutoDraw:

  • Instant Graphics: Quickly generate professional-level graphics even without design expertise.
  • Time and Cost Savings: Reduce the time and resources required for graphic design.
  • User-Friendly: Easy-to-use interface, making it accessible for non-designers.

Microsoft Designer

© Microsoft 365 Youtube Page

Microsoft Designer harnesses the power of cutting-edge generative AI technology to simplify the creation of stunning visuals, social media posts, invitations, and more. 

Since its launch, the AI models have continually improved and Microsoft has integrated these capabilities seamlessly into the Designer canvas. 

Additionally, Microsoft has gone a step further by integrating Designer into the Microsoft Edge web browser. This innovative feature sits natively in the Edge sidebar, accessible with a simple click on the Designer icon.

Key features and advantages of Microsoft Designer:

  • Effortless Idea Generation: Describe your creative vision, and Designer, powered by generative AI, provides you with unique images, along with text and design suggestions tailored to your needs.
  • Streamlined Text Creation: Crafting text to accompany your designs is a breeze. Type a phrase, and Designer offers copy suggestions, including headlines, short texts, and font pairings that complement your design. For social media, it can even generate captions and hashtags relevant to your content.
  • Easy Customization: Using user feedback, Microsoft has enhanced the app to facilitate design customization and resizing. You can seamlessly adjust the canvas size while automatically repositioning design elements, accommodating up to 20 different social media layout sizes across platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and LinkedIn.
  • Animated Visuals: Designer now allows you to infuse motion into your creations. Add animated backgrounds, expressive emotions, and text with automated transitions using AI technology to make your designs come to life.


© Runway Youtube Page

Runway is an innovative multimodal AI system that can create new videos using text, images, or video clips as prompts. It offers two powerful features: “Video to Video,” which transforms existing videos with new compositions and styles, and “Text to Video,” which generates entirely new videos from written descriptions. 

It aims to set a new standard in video generation and promises a fresh era in motion pictures. It’s a tool dedicated to pushing the boundaries of creativity and is poised to revolutionize how we create videos.

Noteworthy features and advantages of Runway:

  • Cutting-Edge AI Models: Runway Research harnesses the power of state-of-the-art AI models. Researchers and creators can explore and experiment with the latest advancements in machine learning.
  •  Versatile Toolkit: It’s not just for AI experts. Runway Research provides a versatile toolkit that caters to both beginners and seasoned researchers, making AI experimentation more inclusive.
  • Creative Possibilities: Whether you’re interested in art, design, music, or data analysis, Runway Research offers tools and models that can bring your creative ideas to life in exciting and innovative ways.
  • Community Collaboration: Connect with a thriving community of like-minded individuals who are passionate about AI and creativity. Share your projects, learn from others, and collaborate on groundbreaking research.
  • Educational Resources: Runway Research goes beyond being a research platform; it’s also an educational resource. It offers tutorials, workshops, and guides to help users understand and apply AI concepts effectively.

What are the Benefits and Challenges of Design AI?

Design AI brings a whole new set of benefits and challenges to the table. Let’s dive in and explore the exciting world of AI design!


  • Enhanced user experience: AI allows us to create personalized and intuitive experiences for users. By understanding user behavior and preferences, AI can adapt and tailor the design to meet their specific needs. This leads to a more engaging and satisfying user experience.
  • Time-saving automation: Designing for AI enables the automation of repetitive tasks, saving valuable time and resources. AI-powered tools can analyze data, generate design assets, and even create personalized content, freeing up designers to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of their work.
  • Improved decision-making: AI can analyze vast data and provide valuable insights for design decisions. By leveraging AI, designers can make data-driven choices backed by evidence, leading to more effective and impactful designs.


  • Ethical considerations: Design AI raises ethical concerns that must be carefully addressed. AI systems can inadvertently perpetuate biases or make incorrect assumptions, leading to discriminatory outcomes. Designers must ensure fairness, transparency, and accountability in AI design.
  • Balancing AI and human touch: While AI can automate specific design tasks, balancing automation and the human touch is essential. Design is inherently creative and subjective, and AI should be used to augment human capabilities rather than replace them.
  • Data privacy and security

How Can Designers Use AI to Improve User Experience?


AI can help designers create personalized experiences for users. By analyzing user data, AI algorithms can tailor content, layout, and recommendations to meet individual preferences. This means users get a more personalized experience, which can significantly improve their overall satisfaction.


AI-powered chatbots are becoming increasingly popular for enhancing UX. Designers can incorporate chatbots into websites or apps to provide instant assistance and support to users. These bots can understand natural language, answer queries, and even perform tasks, making interactions with the platform more convenient and efficient.

User Testing

AI can assist designers in conducting user testing more effectively. Instead of relying solely on human testers, AI tools can analyze user behavior, track eye movements, and collect data on how users navigate a website or app. This helps designers identify pain points, optimize features, and make data-driven decisions to refine the UX.

Predictive Analytics

Designers can leverage AI’s predictive analytics capabilities to anticipate user behavior and preferences. AI can suggest relevant real-time content, products, or features by analyzing past user actions and patterns. This proactive approach can save users time and effort, providing a more seamless and enjoyable experience.

Visual Design

AI can also assist designers in creating visually appealing and engaging content. Design tools powered by AI can generate layouts.


In summary, to thrive in the AI-driven digital marketing landscape, it’s essential to embrace Design for AI, and the top 5 tools discussed – Adobe Firefly, AI Image Upscaler, AutoDraw, Microsoft Designer, and Runway – are invaluable assets for this journey. Design for AI enhances the visual appeal of product design while optimizing them for AI-driven processes, resulting in improved user engagement and conversions. Embracing these machine learning tools is encouraged to deliver cutting-edge campaigns that resonate with your audience.

Periphery Digital stands ready to help leverage these tools to supercharge your marketing strategy. Contact us today to explore how we can leverage these tools to supercharge your marketing strategy.

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